For SMEs to access the certified emission reduction (CER), ASEIC supports SMEs to transfer into environment-friendly fuels by mobilizing the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of UNFCCC. To obtain credits as much as the amount of greenhouse gas emission is reduced, ASEIC assists in economic and environmental assessments.
view moreIn relation to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ASEIC supports the sustainable transition of SMEs
to gain momentum for sustainable growth, to manage risk in value chains and to be proactively prepared for climate change.
The Green Business Center (GBC) is ASEIC’s representative office jointly operated by Korea’s Ministry of SMEs
and Startups and Indonesia’s Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs. Acting as a cooperative bridge, the Center supports
SMEs in ASEM member countries focusing on their entry into Indonesia.
The ASEM Working Group, through discussions among the member countries, identifies and
drives various collaborative projects aimed at promoting eco-friendly innovations among SMEs in the ASEM region.
The Eco-thon is a business idea contest to discover promising startups that have innovative SCP solutions.
Any contestant with innovative SCP-related business ideas may participate.
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The Asia-Europe Environment Forum (hereinafter “ENVforum”), launched in 2003, has been engaged in various activities including Asia-Europe cooperation enhancement for achieving SDGs, policy workshops, annual conferences and reports publishing. The ENVforum is jointly operated by 5 partners in Asia and Europe and ASEIC has joined as a partner since 2012. view more
ASEIC publishes a webzine on eco-friendly & innovative technologies to provide domestic and overseas policy trends,
industrial and technological overviews as well as relevant events information to authorities and SME owners,
through which ASEIC seeks to create an atmosphere of mutual communication and sharing for policies among ASEM member countries.
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